Hearts in Taiwan

What does it mean to be Taiwanese?

July 08, 2021 Annie Wang and Angela Yu Season 1 Episode 10
What does it mean to be Taiwanese?
Hearts in Taiwan
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Hearts in Taiwan
What does it mean to be Taiwanese?
Jul 08, 2021 Season 1 Episode 10
Annie Wang and Angela Yu

Simple question, hard to answer! Angela and Annie share their journeys exploring their identities with respect to Taiwan, and reflect on definitions contributed by a wide variety of Taiwanese individuals in America and Taiwan. We pitch each other some thought experiments that test our hypotheses about identity, and discuss the evolution of the Taiwanese identity in relation to China and in the context of America.

Nationality, Ethnicity, & Race, by Hello Prosper (blog post, IG post)
Michelle Kwan's stories at #RecipeForChange dinner (YouTube 24:11)
Taiwan’s urban landscapes by Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry (IG story highlight)
See the Olympic flag for Chinese Taipei (Wikipedia)
Xi Jinping remarks for CCP centennial (Reuters article)
Crackdown and closure of Apple Daily in Hong Kong, coverage by New Bloom and Taiwan Mixed (IG post)
#notsponsored: Taiwan Mixed for news in English about Taiwan (website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
Show notes for full credits and sources

Kelly Lan, Hello Prosper (IG: @hello.prosper)
Darice Dan Chang (IG: @darice_dandan)
Dr. Zonram Liao, Wellnergy Pets (IG: @wellnergypets)
Sticky Rice Sisters (IG: @stickyricesisters)
Cathy Huang, Avery & Me (IG: @averyandme)
Lulu Cheng, Bitty Bao Books (IG: @bitty.bao)





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Show Notes Chapter Markers

Simple question, hard to answer! Angela and Annie share their journeys exploring their identities with respect to Taiwan, and reflect on definitions contributed by a wide variety of Taiwanese individuals in America and Taiwan. We pitch each other some thought experiments that test our hypotheses about identity, and discuss the evolution of the Taiwanese identity in relation to China and in the context of America.

Nationality, Ethnicity, & Race, by Hello Prosper (blog post, IG post)
Michelle Kwan's stories at #RecipeForChange dinner (YouTube 24:11)
Taiwan’s urban landscapes by Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry (IG story highlight)
See the Olympic flag for Chinese Taipei (Wikipedia)
Xi Jinping remarks for CCP centennial (Reuters article)
Crackdown and closure of Apple Daily in Hong Kong, coverage by New Bloom and Taiwan Mixed (IG post)
#notsponsored: Taiwan Mixed for news in English about Taiwan (website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
Show notes for full credits and sources

Kelly Lan, Hello Prosper (IG: @hello.prosper)
Darice Dan Chang (IG: @darice_dandan)
Dr. Zonram Liao, Wellnergy Pets (IG: @wellnergypets)
Sticky Rice Sisters (IG: @stickyricesisters)
Cathy Huang, Avery & Me (IG: @averyandme)
Lulu Cheng, Bitty Bao Books (IG: @bitty.bao)





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A hard question to answer
Definitions: Nationality, Race, Ethnicity
Angela's identity journey
Annie's identity journey
Not helpful: gatekeeping the identity
Thought experiment #1
Michelle Kwan's perpetual foreigner experiences
Thought experiment #2
Thought experiment #3
Thought experiment #4
International recognition of Taiwan
Taiwanese as a political identity
Taiwanese identity in America
Multiple paths to Taiwanese identity
Separating identity from the government of a land
Recap and instilling identity in our kids
#notsponsored and closing