Hearts in Taiwan
Hearts in Taiwan
50 shades of green (and blue)
Annie and Angela tackle a taboo topic: politics in Taiwan! From dark green to light green and light blue to dark blue, we attempt to understand why each party believes what they do, and relate our observations to American pop culture. Plus, Angela asks for your recommendations for earth-friendly products that aren’t made in China.
Further reading:
- Brawls in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan (YouTube: pig guts in 2020, commonplace in 2017)
- Wild Lily student movement (OFTaiwan)
- 1992 Consensus (Wikipedia)
- China interfering with Taiwan’s vaccine procurement (article)
- #FreeBritney Spears from conservatorship (freebritney.net)
- Sex and the City struggles of moving in together (clip)
- Green parties’ anti-nuclear platform (article)
- Insecure’s Thug Yoda character replacing “c” with “b” (clip, HBO homepage, Compton rapper YG explains on YouTube)
- Taiwan passport 2021 redesign (BBC)
- False comparison between US policy toward Afghanistan and Taiwan (New Bloom Magazine, Taiwan Insight)
- Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 (official text)
- Japan’s security tied to Taiwan (article)
- What Taiwanese Americans can learn from Taiwanese Politics (TaiwaneseAmerican.org)
Piico floss picks made in Taiwan (website, Instagram)
Indigenous American-owned businesses (IG Guide, Website)
Buy Nothing project for neighborhood sharing (buynothingproject.org)
Cover photo by tomscy2000 on Flickr depicting a young protester during the Sunflower Movement
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